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Role of a Parish Councillor

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  • Responsible: to all people resident within the Parish.
  • Regular liaison with: other councillors, local authorities and residents.
  • Period of service: four years with possible extension.
  • No salary: this is voluntary position with some expenses abled to be paid in certain cases.
  • Main purpose: representing the views of all residents within your Parish.

As part of a local council you could have responsibility for running local services. (for example the Playing Field and the Maintenance of open spaces). Deciding how much to raise through the council precept in order to deliver your council's services.

Influencing and shaping the long-term devolvement policy for the Parish and as part the planning process, commenting on planning applications in the Parish. Improve the quality of life and the environment in the local area. Working to identify issues which are important to the lives of the residents you represent.

Working to about improvements through local projects, lobbying other service providers and working in partnership with other Parises and agencies. There will be commitment on your part to use some of your spare time to attend quarterly Parish Council Meetings and to attend Extraordinary Parish Council Meetings when the need arises.

If assigned receptibilities there will be commitment on your part from time to time to present any reports on your receptibilities back to the Parish Council.

There is possibility for personal training for your development as a Parish Councillor. By becoming a parish councillor, you become someone your community will look to for help, guidance and support. This is a brief outline of the position of a Parish Councillor. If you are interested in standing for election, please contact the Parish clerk at: bulkeleyandridleyparishcouncil@hotmail.co.uk for an election pack.

Get In Touch

Contact our clerk
Ruth Shackleton
01948 770678

Langdale, Sarn,
Malpas, SY14 7LN

Bulkeley & Ridley

Bulkeley & Ridley Parish Council

The villages of Bulkeley & Ridley are part of the unitary authority of East Cheshire.

© 2024 – Bulkeley & Ridley Parish Council