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As of 5th May this year, Bulkeley and Ridley have become one parish for the purposes of local governance, but divided into two wards; Bulkeley and Ridley. The change makes no practical difference to the Parish Council and way of working, because we have always met and conducted our meetings as one entity. There are ten seats on the Council, and the boundaries of the village remain the same.

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee was celebrated in the village with a picnic on the playing field in Mill Lane on the 4th June. The day was mostly dry and a good crowd of past and present residents agreed that it was a great occasion. The same format was repeated on 7th May this year to commemorate the coronation of King Charles the 111.

To commemorate the reign of Queen Elizabeth 11, the field has been named the Queen Elizabeth Playing Field. Richard Frisk has made a sign to that effect, and it was unveiled during the picnic on 7th May.

Stanley Davies retired this year after 40 years as Councillor for Wrenbury ward, which includes our village. He had done a great deal to help local residents with their problems over the years, and a collection enabled the village to present him with a garden bench. His wife Barbara was given a rose bush and garden token.

A group of people met in August to clear the long grass from the Marl Pit site and around the Brassey stones, and in May this year, John Jones, who is employed to keep the village tidy, replaced the stone setts around the Stones. The stand holding the information plaque had rotted, so Andy Rubbathan built a new one, which has been replaced next to the Stones. David Hallam, the Conservation Officer for Cheshire East, will come in the near future to photograph the site with a view to nominating it for the local list of sites of interest.

Mrs Idina Hastings;
Chairman: Bulkeley and Ridley Parish Council.

Get In Touch

Contact our clerk
Ruth Shackleton
01948 770678

Langdale, Sarn,
Malpas, SY14 7LN

Bulkeley & Ridley

Bulkeley & Ridley Parish Council

The villages of Bulkeley & Ridley are part of the unitary authority of East Cheshire.

© 2024 – Bulkeley & Ridley Parish Council